Sunday, 9 November 2014




PHONE NO: 0657135805                                                             DIRECTOR OFFICE
                      0765330441                                                              P.O.BOX 137     
                                                                                                       MAZOMBE,  KILOLO.


The TUJIAJIRI Organization was registered on No 00NGO/00007544, as not for profit Non-Governmental organization (NGO) under Non-Governmental Organization Act 2002 according to the new Tanzania NGO policy.shall have to perform its function for the best interest of the people of IRINGA Region and Tanzania government at whole.
 The organization will offer Provision of Multidisciplinary Education from grass root of school (pupils) to university and community in general particularly youth and women.

TUJIAJIRI aims at contributing and supporting the youths, poor men and women in Tanzania to improve their social-economic livelihood through improved income and quality of life on self-help basis.  The organization supports entrepreneurship initiatives, self-development projects and programs in sustainable manner through participatory methodology to respond to the growing problem of poverty in a number of ways.

TUJIAJIRI will be operating in any part of Tanzania provided that the targeted populations who are youths, poor men and women and marginalized communities are in need of help by informing, inspiring and improving the prevailing situation where things are not moving.

 In doing this the Organization will work closely with Agriculture department, group of entrepreneur, Environmental Conservation Department, Community health, together with education and Information Communication Technology, working within Tanzania country.

To enhance poverty reduction in Tanzania

To provide multidisciplinary education, create employment opportunity and increase livelihood.


1.      To enhance the formation of groups, partnerships and networks from both men and women to ensure their participation in the meaningful entrepreneurship and its contribution to the national economy.
2.      To create awareness and advocacy in order to promote understanding on the nature of social services delivery, public policy, governance and accountability.
3.      To promote girls education and consciousness at primary and secondary schools to overcome fundamental and practical factors or parameters that constrains girls in reaching their expected goals.

4.      To address the cross cutting  issues such as mainstreaming gender, HIV/AIDS advocacy and awareness raising, care and support to vulnerable groups, environmental issues and capacity building in good governance, participatory involvement of communities in the project cycle management.

In pursuit of its mission, TUJIAJIRI have the following functions
Education and Training: - Through seminars, training, workshops, meetings, discussion group and short courses concerning Multidisciplinary education (Agriculture, Entrepreneurship, Environmental conservation, Community health, Information and Communication Technology).

a) In a proactive manner define and articulate a panTanzania position on attained Sustainable Development for all people,
b). Represent the Tanzania as real developing country through empowering the youth and women to engage in production activities.
c). Develop mechanisms to deal with reduction of poverty in rural and urban area.

Advocacy and resource mobilization
Coordinate donor efforts and input in Tanzanian agriculture, livestock keeping, entrepreneur, and social health, through identification and integrating community with development partner. 
b). Advocacy of Tanzanian needs and aspirations at National meetings,
c). Liaise with advocacy groups in developed countries that conduct research to solve
Problems in Tanzania,
d). Build coalitions with key stakeholders and advocacy groups on Poverty research reduction,
e). proactively identify issues which most affect Tanzanian Development strategies.

1 comment:

  1. Dhumuni ya shirika hili ni kuwajengea uwezo vijana wa kitanzania uwezo wa matumizi rafiki ya lasilimari zilizopo katika nchi yetu ya Tanzania kwa kutoa Elimu mtambuka katika nyanja za kimaendeleo ikiwemo, Kilimo , ufugaji ,ujasiliamali ,Utuzaji wa mazingira , Afya ya jamii ,kusaidia watoto wanao ishi katika mazingira magumu kuweza kupata elimu bora, na kuhakikisha fikra za vijana wengi kusubiri kuajiliwa zinatoweka na kuanza kujiajiri wenyewe na kwa kujiunga katika vikundi ili kuweza kufikiwa na fursa mbali mbali zikiwemo ruzuku kutoka serikalini na mashirika yasiyokuwa ya kiserikali katika pembejeo na mafunzo mbali mbali ili kuweza kufikia dira ya shirika kupunguza umaskini nchini Tanzania.
